B. F. HALL, one of the prominent and successful citizens of
Clarke County, residing on section 31, Green Bay Township, was born in Monroe
County, Indiana, November 28, 1834, a son of Warren Hall, a native of Kentucky,
and Cynthia (Parks) Hall. They were the parents of nine children – Sarah Ann,
B. F., W. N. John W., James M., Samuel L., Albert T., Mary Ann and Sarah
M. Our subject remained in his native
county till seven years of age, when his parents moved to Putnam County,
Indiana, where he resided nine years. He was reared on a farm, and received a
common-school education in the primitive log school-houses. In 1851 he went to
Decatur County, Iowa, locating four miles southeast of the present site of Leon,
where he lived until 1860. He was
married December 14, 1855, to Miss Martha Ann Walton, of Decatur County, she
being a daughter of H. L. Walton. They have three children – Edward P., Charles
E. and Della May. In 1860 Mr. Hall bought 160 acres of his present farm, which
was at that time unimproved. He has since added to his original purchase, till
his farm now contains 545 acres of choice land, with comfortable and commodious
residence, and good barns and out-buildings. This is one of the best stock
farms in Clarke County, and is located two and a quarter miles west of Weldon.
Mr. Hall is a self-made man, having by his own good management, combined with
his industry and habits of economy, made his property, and has now a competency
for his declining years. He is a consistent member of the Christian church, and
a respected citizen of Green Bay township. In politics he casts his suffrage
with the Republican party.
SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County,
Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 308-9
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